
Celebrating the lives of the greats… Musicians make the world go around. Blues icon turns 80 at Arlyn Studios…. Wonderful surprise party and jam sessions to celebrate #80

Ok, sometimes music and DO mix? I am here with Ex-Mayor of @AntonioVillaraigosa and the most in the world @natalieleggett If you see Natalie in a music session, you know you have THE top players in the room. When you mix, talent and the violin, you get Natalie

Me and KFlay in the recording studio. KFlay is such a great talent and to be able to work with her was inspiring and exciting. I love hearing new beats and sounds, and sharing those with my team and clients. I have made magic happen at The Village Recorder, and perhaps I owe some of that (perhaps) black-magic in the so-called “haunted rooms” there, that we all hear exist in that old Masonic Temple

Simon Petty, from MiniBar…. What a talent, what a voice, what incredible music instinct, and so able to connect with my. I love producing music and with such incredible talent

As a music producer, I am the Oz behind the Curtain… My artists are my and my are my and influencers! I love putting it altogether and hearing the result

I am only as great as the artists with whom I collaborate! Dang, I am one lucky gal… @MichaelRamos photographed here

When I see this beautiful of an image in a campaign I am working on, it’s motivating on many levels. I get to think about the campaign as a whole, its message and those communicating that message. The music I produce is about connecting the visuals to the viewer. I like to think on behalf everyone, and produce for everyone… from the viewer to the CEO of the company. It is what makes my job exciting and challenging

The screenshot from this commercial might not lend one to expect that when the starts it is an amazing remake of a hit song, and the spot comes alive! I loved producing this track, it was super fun and our sounded SO and! Dare to tell the difference from the Kelly version

PrimalScream’s Treasure Check/Music Library! *Make note, not only is it living and breathing library -we can easily re-record tracks for you, another incredible feature -put in the youtube link of a song that you really love into our Music Library Search Engine, and it will automatically pull tracks for you that are similar to that song. Love it